17th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry
15-18 June 2025, Uppsala Sweden
A Marcus Wallenberg symposium

Welcome to Uppsala
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to Uppsala, Sweden 15-18 June 2025 for the 17th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry – A Marcus Wallenberg symposium.
The ISABC17 meeting follows those in Ioanninna (2023), Nara (2019), Toulouse (2017), Galway (2015),
Guangzhou (2013), and going back to the first ISABC meeting in Wuhan already in 1990. We are confident that the symposium in 2025 will also offer an excellent opportunity to meet many researchers from around the world who are experts in an exceptionally broad range of the topics at the frontier of bioinorganic chemistry.
Download the official conference flyer here: https://www.isabc2025.com/ISABC-2025-flyer.pdf
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Uppsala in June 2025.
Organizing committee
Local Committee
Gustav Berggren
Starla Glover
Ann Magnuson
Fikret Mamedov
Johannes Messinger (Chair)
Sergii Shylin
National Committee
Martin Högbom (Stockholm U)
Ebbe Nordlander (Lund U)
Licheng Sun (KTH/Westlake)
Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede (Chalmers)
Pia Ädelroth (Stockholm U)
International Advisory Committee
Joâo Costa Pessoa (Lisbon, Portugal)
John H. Dawson (South Carolina, United States)
Eva Anna Enyedy (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Andrea Erxleben (Galway, Ireland)
Peter Faller (Strasbourg, France) – Secretary of the IAC
Eva Freisinger (Zürich, Switzerland)
Dinorah Gambino (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Zijian Guo (Nanjing, China)
Sotiris Hadjikakou (Ioannina, Greece)
Takashi Hayashi (Osaka, Japan)
Zong-Wan Mao (Guangzhou, China)
Johannes Messinger (Uppsala, Sweden)
Giovanni Natile (Bari, Italy)
Chris Orvig (Vancouver, Canada)
Liliana Quintanar (Mexico City, Mexico)
Important dates
14 January 2025: Registration and abstract submission opens
8 April 2025: Final date for early bird registration and submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentations
6 May 2025: Selected oral presenters will be informed
13 May 2025: Final closing of abstract submission (Posters and invited speakers)
15 June 2025: Start ISABC17
Organised by

Molecule image: Lydia Simmons via freepngimg.com